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​Yes, protection of animals abroad - but please be serious!

Thanks to my years of experience in animal welfare work abroad, I am now able to offer this comprehensive advice and support for dog adoptions from abroad in a serious manner.

I work closely with organizations and help to find the right person for the right dog. For me, people who decide to adopt a dog from abroad are great and courageous people with an infinitely big heart. For local animal welfare workers abroad, the most important thing is that a person who decides to adopt a dog from abroad is well prepared, accompanied and advised.

Because a dog that has been rescued and is in the animal shelter should only make a journey to a new home in Switzerland or Germany if it is definitive and forever.

If you adopt a dog from an animal shelter abroad, you are not just saving one dog, but two. Because if a place becomes available in the animal shelter, another dog can take it. Whether it comes to the animal shelter from the street as a stray or is rescued from a killing station.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

— Mahatma Gandhi


Dog Adoption

I think that as long as we eat tomatoes and cucumbers from Holland or Spain, as long as we buy cheese and wine from Italy and as long as we bring pineapples and bananas across the seas to Switzerland or Germany and drive painful animal transports across borders, we do not need to justify ourselves on the subject of animal welfare abroad.

There are unbelievable conditions abroad. Mass camps, killing stations, killings on the street, torture and much more. There are an infinite number of dogs who experience daily suffering in countries where they have no status.

In addition, the reality is that many Swiss and German animal shelters repeatedly take in dogs from abroad. It is often the only way to get additional money into the coffers by rehoming the animals so that costs and unadoptable dogs can continue to be cared for.

"It is my aim to reduce the suffering of animals and give them a future."

— Yory Garcia

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